Ethical Issues

Below is a list of some important ethical issues that may arise (and need to be addressed) in a variety of settings.

Media Literacy: Determining if an (online) article, video, etc. is factual, reliable, and unbiased.

Accessibility: Ensuring to the best of one’s ability that what we produce is available to those with special needs, including economic, physical, mental, and emotional.

Visualization: Employing techniques that represent data and models in a clear, accessible way that accurately reflects the data and what we can learn from them.

Transparency: Representing data, algorithms, processes, or any information that affects stakeholders in an open, explicit, and easily comprehensible way.

Diversity: Having a variety of people (race and ethnicity, age, gender, skills and education level, sexual orientation, religion, etc.) contributing to the development of an idea or product in an effort to avoid bias, to increase the breadth of insight into the development process, and to ensure different groups don’t experience disproportionate benefits or costs.

Sustainability: Adopting practices that serve to protect the environment including living creatures and other naturally occurring resources and features.

Intellectual Property: Crediting the creator or discoverer of work; affording control over the work to the creator of the work.

Decision Making: Taking responsibility for how a system or organization makes decisions, especially those involving life-altering actions.

Freedom of Speech: Granting the rights and enforcing the limitations of people to express themselves and correspond, including through electronic communication.

Dignity: Valuing human and animal life, well-being, and connection above productivity or end results.

Physical and Mental Health: Proactively taking care to protect the health of colleagues, customers, clients, consumers, employees, and oneself.

Professional Citizenship: Contributing voice and opinion within one’s expertise regarding the ethicality of the work of those around them.